About us
We're not just about just great desserts.food. We're about creating that unforgettable experience. Delivering ice creams and waffles that make you smile! And compel you to snap them to show to your friends!
Meet the ownerS

My love for food is attested by my constant war to keep my wasitline under control.
Tired of working for someone else, I left the NHS in 2020 to become self-employed. I now seek to brighten people's lives by providing irresistible treats that push away those moody blues.
When not at work, you'll find me hanging out with my kids, binge watching the latest Netflix show, or hill walking in the Cheviots near Scotland.
Sagara Citta
Bubble Waffles were a part of my youth. We'd eat them from brown paper bags on the way home from school.
Having run a Chinese Takeaway I was keen to find a find business where we were less dependent of the chefs. And to fuse something of my Chinese culture with the new Western culture I have adopted.
I like to cook, keep up my friends, and spend time with my two daughters who right now, are growing up just a little too quickly!
Sophia Wang

What's so special about go waffle
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Secret mix
Our Bubble Waffle Recipe was handed down over centuries in China. It's a closely guarded secret. We could tell you , but then we'd have to...
Award winning
We spent dedicated hours tasting samples from all over the country to choose the best ice cream. Yorvale was the clear winner.
We only hire people with a passion for food, a friendly smile, and a dedication to create an awesome experience for our customers.